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Fortnite Update New Features – Laser Chomp & Air Tank

Updated: Sep 20, 2018

Fortnite Traps Fortnite is a highly intensive competition video agme developed and released by Epic Games for PS4 Xbox One and PC. If you haven’t joint the game now you can have a try cuz the latest 5.10 update is available now. In the chart below you can find the eight accessories: Laser Chomp Air Tank Archetype Bat Attitude Boogie Down Diving Tank Intensity and Maverick Paradigm Reef Ranger Rescue Ring Servo Shade Specialist Wreck Raider Ballistic Birthday Cake Clutch Axe Harpoon Axe Insignia Living Large Penguin Pointer and Power Grip. The stats and function of those new items doesn’t released but it’s not hard to guess out it.

The Air Tank should be used for some poison air environment jointly used with antigas mask. The Laser Chomp can destroy opponent fleets underwater. New Archetype still a mystique but it’s sounds like a new character. Bat Attitude is a set of defensive gear used for self-protection. Boogie Down is a new character features some unknown ability and attributes. Diving Tank is similar with Air Tank but used underwater. The surplus two I can’t figure out their type nor functions. Buying skins for character and weapons such as new character costumes or things like hats tattoos and weapon appearances let players show their personality and allegiance with friends and online competitors whilst doesn’t influencing the balance of game.

As official Twitter mentioned there will be much more content released in the game gamers need to be patient and creative to help Epic Games to make the game better. There will be much more to come in the following months. Besides all aforementioned we can look forward to some new gears and plenty of new gameplay styles. Buy Fortnite Traps Offer your unique suggestions to us we will delivery your idea to official. And Buy Cheap Fortnite Items and V-Bucks from our site. You may ask why our products are always so cheap but the answer is obvious: we have a professional farming studio to supply cheapest items and we always stock cheap holiday gift cards form official site so the Fortnite items in our store are so cheap and safe as in-game store. Tell us your character name we will add you as friend in the game and face to face drop those items to you in some secret position in Fornite. Stay awake now several hours to welcome the Fortnite 5.10 Patch.

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