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  • Writer's picturethomasmgrag

Fate/Grand Order is based on a property that started out as a visual novel

Fate/Grand Order has been out in the US for close a month now, but if you’ve only just jumped aboard the Fate fandom and started trying your hand at this game, here are some quick tips to help you maximize your play experience and get to a respectable level where you can enjoy both the story and the content.

‘Fate/Grand Order’ (F/GO) is a mobile game that allows you to explore the various worlds within the ‘Fate’ universe by letting you basically play Dr. Who. To be exact, you play as a mage who’s identified as the bottom of the barrel of his/her bunch and quickly goes up the ranks as everybody who can do a better job than you dies in an explosion. As the last mage capable of doing anything, you are left with the task of saving the humanity’s existence in the future by fixing anomalies in the timeline created by a traitor within your ranks and his boss.

While story is important, the meat of the game is the combat, and that’s where the game shines. Players create a deck of up to five servants with two serving as the main combat team and three in reserve. For a third member in your main combat team, you can select from friends or other random players—most of whom, at the initial stages of the game, will have servants frustratingly far more powerful than yours. Best and Cheapest FGO Saint Quartz For Sale -

When you do missions, you will always go through a screen that asks you to select a support. Your support slot is in your 3rd one by default (it can be moved but keep it there for now). This is the primary way to build your friend list. Supports that are not in your friend list locks out their Noble Phantasm (their ultimate move, NP for short) and so you want to build a good list of friends so that you may have access to stronger servants that can carry you through the early parts of progression.Make sure you also set your supports to at least communicate that you are an active player. I highly suggest changing your All slot to the SR servant you acquired, and just set your other slots to whoever your favorite servant is at the start.

Fate/Grand Order just comes down to building a team of Servants that you legitimately like to see and use. The game even gives you a 4-star character from the get-go, so you'll have a powerful Servant to help you out right from the beginning. But, if you really feel like those incredibly shiny 5-star Servants are just something you HAVE to have, there is one thing you can do that can help you get there without dropping a dime.

Another worthy tip you should keep in mind is you that you should not neglect your Kohai. Most people actually neglect her as she is given for free but Mash as she is known as is actually quite useful and interesting and in addition she will always be free and will free up resources to spend them when you really need to. She also has no weaknesses so can’t be damaged but in the same breath she can’t damage her opponents. Make sure you don’t just toss her aside and take full advantage of her.

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