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  • Writer's picturethomasmgrag

Arcane Legends is a powerful game packed in a tiny platform

Arcane Legends is a powerful game packed in a tiny platform. Despite the high-quality performance and demanding resources this game requires, my battery wasn’t totally drained after a two hour session playing this game, though it did go down considerably. What’s fascinating about Arcane Legends is how quick it loads and how easy it is to pick up for a short amount of time. My biggest complaint about MMO games is how much time is required to level up your character and make the game interesting, but here you can level up rather quickly and there are plenty of opportunities to back-track to earn more experience.

This is one of the latest releases in the world of MMORPG gaming and it undoubtedly stands out against any other game. If you aren’t familiar with the term yet, MMORPG stands for Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game. As the genre suggests, Arcane Legends is a game which you can play online and be involved in a massive environment which you can team up with other players.

The graphics in Arcane Legends are excellent, and are leagues better than anything I've seen from Spacetime to date. Animations are smooth, colors bright, and overall art direction is distinct (even if you can spot the influences from previous Legends titles). The writing for dialogue is cute and goofy, often paired up with some babbling voice acting. The audio fidelity isn't quite as high as I would like, though it's a sensible sacrifice to keep the game's size down to under 50 MB, cache included. Sometimes I find the look and feel a little too cute, but when you're playing a hulking warrior destroying every marginally threatening creature before you, it's easy to forget the doe-eyed puppy that's picking up gold for you. Buy Cheap Arcane Legends Platinum from gain a 3% discount by using the code “5MMO”.

Early in the game, players will choose one of three classes including Warrior, Rogue, and Mage. As players progress, each class will unlock various skills that can be specialized in order to customize a preferred style of play by the players. There is no automatic attacks in Arcane Legends. The game instead uses a system more action RPG oriented, in which players must touch or hold the attack button in order to perform a series of quick attacks or a single, more powerful charged attack.

The sound of the game is something that makes it quite unique. With attack sounds and a good sound track, the game in my view is on its way to be among the legendary games of Android. The game has a bigger learning curve than most games you encounter on Android but then again don’t all RPG’s have that problem? You have to get used to different strategies while deciding which abilities and armor/weapons will give your character the playing pattern that suits your own personality.

Arcane Legends still has plenty of room to grow, however. More character classes would be nice, and the gameworld is a little on the small side in comparison with rival offerings. These are areas where we would expect Spacetime Studios to expand in the future - this is, after all, still a young release. Working in a genre where it's so difficult to get things right, Spacetime Studios has a fantastic track record. Arcane Legends continues that proud tradition, and while it's not quite as robust or content-rich as its established competitors, it's off to a wonderfully assured start.

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